LIMS Migration Strategy

The need for better organization of laboratory operations is well known. While today’s selection of commercial laboratory information management systems (LIMS) is a good start to organizing and running a lab, these solutions are only geared towards the management of wet lab operations. Existing solutions are inefficient for data-intensive laboratory operations that require significant bioinformatic data analyses. Therefore, in labs already burdened with the inefficiencies caused by unlinked functional silos, current LIMS solutions do nothing to resolve inefficiencies, and worse, laboratory operations remain fragmented.

Another commonly held view on LIMS is that they tend to be difficult to use. In many cases, compliance with LIMS utilization is difficult to maintain and users tend to work around these systems rather than working with them. This has become an even bigger issue today as labs become increasingly data-heavy, with some labs generating several terabytes of data daily.

It’s time for data-intensive labs to explore a more comprehensive solution, such as the L7 Informatics Enterprise Science Platform (ESP), that connects all facets of your lab, from samples to analysis. Since change can be scary and difficult to tackle, this white paper explores factors to consider in making the transition from legacy LIMS to ESP.


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