L7 UNIVERSE: L7|ESP Has Enabled QIAGEN Laboratory Digitalization

September 13, 2023


Helen Pye, Manager, QIAGEN


At the heart of QIAGEN’s business is a vision to make improvements in life possible. We are on an exciting mission to make a real difference in science and healthcare. We are still the entrepreneurial company we started out as and have today achieved a size where we can bring our full power to many initiatives and to our presence across the globe. QIAGEN Manchester is a world leading centre for molecular diagnostic applications, expanding and enhancing the delivery of life-improving diagnostic systems for existing and emerging medical needs, with a focus on companion diagnostics and personalized healthcare in infectious disease and oncology. Working in a regulated environment comes with strict documentation practices. Transitioning from recording everything on paper to a digitalized system brings it’s challenges but also its rewards. This presentation will introduce how QIAGEN has been successful in using L7|ESP and customizing it to our needs to bring QIAGEN Manchester into the digitalization world.



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